Tricks and Treats from the Weekend!
There are the usual static sales and squeeze pages, and then there are the new Signup Links now available in your Easy As Email™ back office. 🙂
You’re going to love these once I show you how much more effective they can be at building your list AND actually generating referrals for you!
They’ve been specially designed for your blogs, so simply by sending them to your Secret Email address, they can be wrapped in dynamic content.
For example, you could create customized blog posts (as often and as many as you need):
– To presell Easy As Email to a certain audience
– Where attendees are sent following a Webinar
– Link to a post from a particular mailing
The possibilities are endless, and you’re not limited to a single static salesy page. Which means you have greater flexibility and you can be more authentic.
This blog post is a perfect example. All I did was type this email (on my phone actually), paste one of my Signup Links, and send it to my Secret Email Address.
Here’s the end result. 🙂 Watch for a video from me in the Blog This WOW group tomorrow with much more!
Sent from my phone with Blog This WOW